3rd March 2022 | Canine Assisted Learning, Children, Emotional Wellbeing
World Book Day, 3rd March 2022 Today is World Book Day, the theme for this year’s world book day is ‘you are a reader‘ We support children every day, helping them become “a reader” For children who find reading tricky our dogs’ presence enables them to feel... 9th February 2022 | Canine Assisted Learning, Children, Emotional Wellbeing, Schools
Author Mollie Watkins CAL Practitioner This year’s theme for Place2be’s Children’s Mental Health week growing together is encouraging children (and adults) to consider how they have grown emotionally and how they can help others to grow. We grow... 2nd April 2021 | Canine Assisted Learning, Children, Emotional Wellbeing, Schools
The Child-Animal Bond by Anglea Crook Working as an Animal assisted intervention practitioner encompasses so many varied aspects of therapeutic and strategic interventions in an enormous range of settings, including schools, universities, hospitals, the workplace,... 19th March 2021 | Children, Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health
There are many factors that can affect our sleep. Stress, anxiety, medical conditions, what we eat and drink, our habits and guilty pleasures, room temperature, how and where we sleep. The list goes on. Add in the coronavirus effect on our lives and it adds another... 1st February 2021 | Canine Assisted Learning, Children, Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health, Schools
‘Express Yourself ‘ is the theme for this year’s Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week, running from 1st to 7th February. The idea being that by connecting the mind, body and imagination when expressing ourselves creatively, can help us feel better about ourselves.... 25th November 2020 | Canine Assisted Learning, Children, Mental Health
Watching a child at the end of their life is one of the hardest and most painful things to witness as an adult, with many mixed emotions that come in waves as you know you are reaching the time to say goodbye. With no way of knowing when the end will be, the days and...