7th October 2020 | Canine Assisted Learning, Children, Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health, Schools
Perhaps even more so this year with the twists and turns that 2020 has brought, it feels like we are hurtling towards Christmas more quickly than ever. This means it’s time for us to start thinking ahead to one of our most heart-warming campaigns of the year –...
1st June 2020 | Canine Assisted Learning, Children, Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health, Schools
This is a big week for many parents and children as schools start to reopen. These new changes will bring about many anxieties and worries in both children and adults. We have put together some helpful ideas that will help your children feel ready to go back to...
31st May 2020 | Canine Assisted Learning, Children, Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health
An increasing amount of children have been struggling with anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have put together some simple breathing exercises to help children with anxiety. Please follow the below link: Breathing Exercises to Help Children With Anxiety During...
16th May 2020 | Canine Assisted Learning, Children, Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health, Schools
‘Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It’s the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference’. (Virginia Satir) Lockdown has perhaps one of the most challenging adjustments in recent times we have all had to make to everyday life. We can all...