Canine Assisted Learning offers our specialist services to Schools, Colleges and Universities, we are at the forefront of animal assisted interventions in the uk offering a range of services to suit the needs every establishment.
Canine Assisted Learning offers a consultancy programme where one of our experienced practitioners and assistance dog work in your school on a regular basis carrying out targeted interventions. These specialist interventions are monitored with progress assessed regularly, we achieve continual positive results.
For schools who would like to have their own school dog with a member of their own staff we provide a professional ongoing training programme for the team member, the dog and a support team around them. For more information on the affiliate programme click here.
Canine Assisted Learning is passionate about raising awareness of mental health and providing support in the educational environment, we are now offering mental health first aid training to school staff. To viewing book mental health first aid packages please click here.

“A child who is exposed to the emotional experiences inherent in playing with a pet is given many learning opportunities that are essential to wholesome personality development. His play with the pet will express his view of the world, its animals, and its human beings, including his parents and peers.”