Canine sub brand headers- CANINE ASSISTED LEARNING
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Canine-Assisted Learning offers animal-assisted interventions, activities and support to students and universities across the UK. The mental health of university students is a growing concern.

Levels of mental illness, mental distress and low wellbeing among students in higher education in the UK are increasing, and are high relative to other sections of the population (1).

Students are frequently faced with overwhelming pressures financially and socially whilst at the same time trying to study and transition into adulthood – this burden can often feel too much to cope with. This has resulted in alarming research showing one in four students suffering from mental health issues at some point during their time at university, with nearly half of those saying they struggle to complete daily tasks as a result (2).

The human-animal bond offers a mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship between humans and animals that has proven to positively impact our physical and emotional wellbeing. Our professional animal assisted therapy team consisting of an AAI practitioner and highly trained assistance dog utilise the unique human-animal bond to offer tangible benefits to students during this stage of significant change for personal and academic growth.

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To find out how Canine Assisted Learning can bring wellbeing benefits to your students and staff please contact us

(1)Institute for Public Policy Research (2017) Not by degrees: improving student mental health in the UK’s universities.


We provide both Consultancy School Dog Services and Affiliate School Dog Services for this setting.

Consultancy School Dog Services is where one of our team of a trained school assistance dog and practitioner can visit your school for one-to-one sessions and Affiliate School Dog Services is where we can offer a training and support programme for your own school dog for this setting.

I’m sure you would agree that good mental health and wellbeing underpins successful participation and attainment. Collectively, we must prioritise the wellbeing and mental health of our students – there is no negotiation on this. To make this happen, leadership from the top is essential

Sam Gyimah, Universities minister

I’m sure you would agree that good mental health and wellbeing underpins successful participation and attainment. Collectively, we must prioritise the wellbeing and mental health of our students – there is no negotiation on this. To make this happen, leadership from the top is essential

Sam Gyimah, Universities minister