Animal Assisted interventions can have a hugely positive effect working with young people in therapeutic settings CAL Therapist Katy works with young people in a range of settings with anxiety, selective mutism, psychosis, eating disorders, trauma, abuse, conduct disorder and exposure to name a few. The effect her CAL dog has on the young people she works with is incredible; she can often see a visible difference in seconds.
Some brief but amazing examples of Katy’s work include….
“After a patient had not left the hospital for over two years CAL therapist Katy along with CAL dog Daisy began animal assisted exposure therapy with them, this resulted in him not only going out locally but he was able to return home, return to school and engage in social activities”
“After years of not engaging in any therapeutic intervention A was able to come in to the therapy session and engage with Daisy and Katy, this is a huge breakthrough for her and the beginning of her journey to recovery”
“ A young girl who is a selective mute had not engaged in any previous therapeutic intervention, during sessions with Katy And Daisy she began to talk and engage! This in itself is a huge breakthrough; it has also opened up a world of opportunity around her for other professionals to support her recovery”
These examples are just a small part of the work our CAL therapists, their life changing valuable work is helping so many young people with mental health in schools, hospitals and specialist facilities. If you would like to find out more about our services please contact us to discuss.