The Momo challenge – The tools to battle online threats

Written by James Plumer

It is a concerning time when as a practitioner in schools you come across the latest online challenge currently doing the rounds called the Momo Challenge. The sudden panic that can ensue can be troubling in

itself to suddenly think your own children could be engaged in such an activity.  As adults we should be helping our children develop a level of psychological strength and resilience in order to combat such threats,  giving them the tools to protect their own mental health and wellbeing,  creating strong resilient children who in time can learn to combat such threats as the above mentioned challenge. We at Canine Assisted Learning work with young people to help develop their mental health and wellbeing channelled through our canine partners.  Our aim is to help strengthen the resilience and mental health of the young people we work with, with the hope that if they were to stumble across something similar to the above challenge, then they will have the tools to verbalise what they have come across and have the coping strategies to manage the aftermath of emotions.

If you are concerned about online safety or would like advice on this area the NSPCC have a fanatic  resource, please see the links below.