We have helped many young people increase their confidence and self-esteem. Our therapy dog naturally encourages children and reassures them at times that would usually be difficult or stressful for them. Events such as visiting a busy town centre or meeting with family members when in difficult home situations can become more relaxed with our services.
“During a taster a young girl who does not speak to anybody outside of her family but come to talk to Meg and did so throughout her time in the session. I would never have guessed that she was selective mute”
Many of the young people we work with have problematic issues in their lives and they sometimes find it difficult to talk to and trust adults. Our services provide a unique way for them to open up, to talk about and work through any issues they might be facing. We believe that this is an unique and important approach to therapy, and it is one that can achieve outstanding results among some of our society’s most vulnerable members.
We have seen that young people are drawn to our dogs, even pupils we are not due to see often come and seek our teams out during rest periods and breaks so that they can spend time with the dog and open up about issues that may be affecting them. We have a strict safeguarding policy and procedure ensuring any disclosures or sensitive informatION.
“The benefit to the children working with Rosie and Lisa has been huge, and this is recognised by the teachers of all 4 children who currently benefit from 1:1 sessions with Rosie and Lisa. The improved communication of one child with selective mutism has meant that we have been able to avoid the cost of additional interventions in class. We have also benefited from a child with an EHCP working with Rosie, so that her 1:1 TLSA can be utilised in providing booster work for other students. Rosie and Lisa have been really welcoming to our children in our Nurture group, providing support for children even when they are not at school through the strategies that Lisa has taught them”