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Managing Screen Time While Working From Home

Managing Screen Time While Working From Home

HELPING YOU TO MANAGE YOUR SCREEN TIME For most of us, the time we spend in front of a screen of some sort has vastly increased. Those that are fortunate to be able to work remotely will likely endure more screen time than normal with various conference/zoom calls...

Back to school post Lockdown

Back to school post Lockdown

This is a big week for many parents and children as schools start to reopen. These new changes will bring about many anxieties and worries in both children and adults. We have put together some helpful ideas that will help your children feel ready to go back to...

Helpful Breathing Exercises for Children

Helpful Breathing Exercises for Children

An increasing amount of children have been struggling with anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have put together some simple breathing exercises to help children with anxiety. Please follow the below link: Breathing Exercises to Help Children With Anxiety During...

Kindness Matters

Kindness Matters

The theme for Mental Health Awareness Week is Kindness so our teams have been sprinkling kindness a little more than usual this week.  In addition to running online puppy events, canine support sessions to schools, workplaces and hospitals, our teams have been going...

Coping With the Changes to Lockdown

Coping With the Changes to Lockdown

How do we feel about the recent changes to lockdown? This is a huge question and has sparked much debate. As always, we will all have differing feelings and coping mechanisms - and that is ok.  We each need to adapt to the changes in our own way and it is likely to be...

How Do Children Understand The Changes To Lockdown

How Do Children Understand The Changes To Lockdown

‘Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It’s the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference’. (Virginia Satir)  Lockdown has perhaps one of the most challenging adjustments in recent times we have all had to make to everyday life.  We can all...

Supporting Workplace Wellbeing During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Supporting Workplace Wellbeing During The Coronavirus Pandemic

In current conditions, the impact of the coronavirus will cause additional stress and anxiety for many people and therefore we believe that now more than ever, we need to ensure that the mental health and emotional wellbeing of employees is being supported. We are...

Helping Children Sleep During COVID-19

Helping Children Sleep During COVID-19

The lives and routines have changed dramatically for everyone in these unprecedented times, with anxiety rising significantly - especially for children. These anxieties present themselves in many different ways including difficulties around bedtime and getting to...

Calm In The Chaos of COVID-19

Calm In The Chaos of COVID-19

Calm In The Chaos of COVID-19 As the Covid-19 pandemic continues with changes to the way we have to live, the very unfamiliar ways we are expected to adapt to can feel strange and overwhelming. We may often find ourselves swinging between chaos and calm. This isn’t...